About the Director
Jeff is a UI/UX designer, author, and technologist with over 15 years of experience building web and software user interfaces. Since 2013 he’s been working with NASA and other organizations to help make remote sensing and Earth Science data more usable and actionable for scientists, engineers, and the general public.

Jeff Siarto
Interim Director UXMS
Tuition & Fees
Program tuition for the upcoming academic year is available at the MSU tuition calculator.
About the Courses
UX 800 User Research and Design
History and overview of user research and user experience as a profession. Methods for understanding the needs and experiences of potential users of new technologies, and translating those into realistic design ideas, suggestions, and requirements that can serve as a basis for the creation of new technologies. Low-fidelity prototyping, gathering initial user feedback, and iterating on design ideas.
UX 802 Current Topics
Cultural, technological, and design evolution of UX/UI. Critical examination of empirical research concerning social impacts of UX/UI. Focus on special issues and considerations related to new user interface modalities and application areas.
UX 805 Quantitative Methods in UX
Appropriate statistical models for UX research questions. Bivariate and multivariate techniques including various types of regression models to investigate and answer research questions in the field UX and communicate these quantitative results to both technical and nontechnical audiences. Data cleaning and manipulation.
UX 810 Social Science for Design
Social science theories and concepts important for designing systems and user interfaces that people will be able to use efficiently, effectively, and enjoyably.
UX 815 Programming Fundamentals
Fundamentals of programming in a team environment. Basic foundations in how to write computer programs, work with others to program computers, and move beyond simple programs to large-scale, professional software development.
UX 820 Usability Evaluation
Plan, conduct, analyze, and report on usability evaluations of technology interfaces, products and applications, using methods that incorporate human participants.
UX 825 Visual Design Fundamentals
Visual design software and processes, including aesthetics of typography, color, and iconography for user interfaces. Offered first half of semester.
UX 830 Design for Interactivity
Process of designing and implementing interactive computing systems. Offered first half of semester.
UX 835 Accessibility and Design
Designing, developing, and evaluating inclusive technologies for all individuals with different human abilities and disabilities. Offered second half of semester.
UX 840 UX and Society
Develop core understanding and analysis techniques of dominant theories that situate technology in society across fields of Human Computer Interaction, Science & Technology Studies and Computer Supported Cooperative Work. Offered second half of semester.
UX 898 Capstone
Conduct team-based capstone project from initial idea through high-fidelity prototype. Navigating project management, team-building, and budgeting in the context of UX design and research. Developing portfolio.